Does Kratom Give You Bad Breath? Causes, Prevention & Ways to Avoid

There’s currently a debate about kratom and its potential to give users bad breath. While some users report bad breath from using kratom, others say they’ve never had such an experience. Well, kratom in itself does not cause bad breath directly, but accumulation of kratom particles in your mouth over time could lead to bad breath.
Read on to find out how kratom could be causing your bad breath, how to remedy it, and preventive measures to ensure you enjoy fresh breath.
What Could be Responsible for Kratom Bad Breath?
A couple of reasons can be responsible for kratom-related bad breath. Below are the three possible causes:
1. Tonsil Stones
Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are small hardened lumps that form in the crevices of your tonsils. These whitish or yellowish particles are the most common causes of bad breath from kratom use. They are formed when food particles and bacteria get trapped in your tonsils, harden, and over time emit an unpleasant smell.
So, how can kratom cause tonsil stones? This can happen when you take kratom, especially in powder form. Kratom particles along with other food particles can get trapped in your tonsils. After some time, these particles harden to form tonsil stones and these stones have a foul odor. Now, you can see that kratom doesn’t directly cause bad breath, but its accumulation in the tonsil area can contribute to tonsil stones which can lead to foul breath.
How to Know if You Have Tonsil Stones?
Your tonsil is located at the back of your throat. If you open your mouth wide, you can actually see your tonsils with the aid of a mirror and shining a flashlight into the back of your mouth. If you notice some small lumps that are white or yellow in color, then it is likely that you have tonsil stones and they could be responsible for the bad breath you are experiencing. No matter how frequent you brush or use mouthwash, it doesn’t make an impact on these stones.
How to Prevent Kratom from Contributing to Tonsil Stones
Most users who have reported bad breath from kratom consume kratom in the powder form. With this form, it is possible for kratom particles to accumulate in your tonsil area. To remedy this, you should change to other forms of kratom like capsules, oblate discs, or tea bags.
2. Dental Plaque
After eating, it is normal for food particles, saliva and bacteria to produce a soft sticky film on your teeth, known as plaque. Consuming kratom, especially in the powder form, can contribute to the creation of dental plaque. You can help prevent plaque by flossing, brushing, and following other regular dental cleaning routines. However, if lacking in these dental hygiene routines, it creates an environment for bacteria and plaque to thrive. This can lead to oral health issues, including bad breath.
To correct this cause of bad breath, you should take kratom in forms that leave no residue in your mouth and practice thorough dental hygiene. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily to keep your mouth fresh throughout the day and overnight.
3. Dirty Tongue
Just like tonsil stones and plaque, residue from kratom powder can contribute to leaving your tongue dirty. If you don’t clean your tongue regularly, bacteria could grow on the residue and produce a foul smell. The added scent from kratom could even make the smell more offensive and persistent.
Always keep your tongue clean by using a tongue scraper to remove any debris. Also, if you can, switch to other forms of kratom such as capsules to help reduce the possibility of kratom-related bad breath from this potential cause.
Some Side Effects of Kratom that Could Influence Your Breath
Kratom has some potential side effects and of these side effects, dehydration and constipation from kratom use may influence your breath:
Dehydration and Dry Mouth
Kratom can dehydrate you because it acts as a diuretic, which means it increases the production of urine. Dehydration and a dry mouth go hand-in-hand, and this could reduce saliva production. Since saliva has antimicrobial effects, a lack of it encourages bacterial growth, which can be a contributing factor to bad breath. The solution to this is to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially when using kratom.
Constipation is another potential side effect of kratom, that can indirectly lead to bad breath. This side effect of kratom can cause a slowdown in your intestinal tract, leading to foul gases that can enter the bloodstream, and come out through the lungs, leading to bad breath.
Bad breath can also be linked to the health of your gut. To prevent this from potentially happening, you can address kratom constipation issues by staying hydrated, making dietary changes, eating more fiber, and reducing or eliminating your dosage of kratom.
Your Bad Breath Could be as a Result of Other Dental Issues
Other dental concerns like infections, cavities and gum disease can lead to bad breath. You should visit your dentist for regular checkups to rule out these as a possible cause of your bad breath.
Does Kratom Give You Bad Breath? A Recap
Kratom does not necessarily cause bad breath but it can contribute to bad breath if you don’t practice good oral hygiene. You should learn how to manage kratom side effects, especially constipation and dehydration, because they can also indirectly cause bad breath.
Keep your teeth and tongue clean by brushing, using a tongue scraper, flossing, and using mouthwash regularly. This may help you reduce breath linked to kratom. But if the unpleasant smell still persists after following a good oral hygiene practice, then it’s time to visit your dentist to rule out other possible causes of bad breath.